Friday, October 13, 2017


A. read the letter at-tin
          Iqro'bismi rabbika al-lazi khalaq (a)! As soon as Allah orders his servant to read his verse both verse kauniah and Qauliyah.oleh therefore we should read the Qur'an.
B. Translating the letter at-tin
                  بسم االله الرحمن الرحيم
والتين والزيتون (1) وطورسينين (2) وهذالبلدالا مين (3) لقدخلقناالانسان فی أ حسنن تقو يم (4) شم ردد نا ه أ سفل سا فلين (5) إلاالذين آمنواوعملوالصلحت فلهم أجرغير ممنو ن (6) فما يكذ بك بعد با دين ( 7) أليس اللهبأحكم الحا كمين (8)
                                                         (8-1: التين)
"By the fruits and olives, for the sake of mountains of sinai and this safe city (mecca), our splendor has created in the form which is as good as it is, and then we return it to its lowly place. Except those who believe and do they get the rewards that do not break up then what makes them lie to you about the day of vengeance after the information? Is not the most just judge of God?
                                        ( [95]: 1-8)
Such is the science that I share, hopefully useful amen, terimaksih on time :)
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
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social science

Asalamualakum wr'wb
Hay colleagues, meet again with me, this time I will help you to deepen social science, such as Indonesia as a maritime country, yu directly simaka aja below.
Indonesia Maritime Country
As a person living in the country of Indonesia, we at least understand about Indonesia though only a little. Indonesia is a country with an incredible sea area. Even Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest sea in the world. So do not be surprised if Indonesia is also called as a maritime country because it is in fact Indonesia has a vast ocean.
As a maritime country, certainly in Indonesia many citizens or people who depend on living from the sea. There are relying on the profession as a fisherman, and not a few people who become traders and sell the seafood. We should be proud of the condition of nature and the wealth of Indonesia, because with a wealth of natural resources are so abundant, of course Indonesia should be a respected country in the world.
Thus the article from me, may be useful for you all, thanks for the time :)
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
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We Must Respect Older People

be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Hay fellow colleagues, meet again with me, this time I will invite you to build a more polite manners, yu refer to the material below about digging and planting manners of ourselves.
We Must Respect Older People
As a person who lives in Indonesia, we must understand the Eastern adat or more precisely keIndonesiaan. Not only customs to Indonesiaan, leboh high again, in the teachings of every religion of course a younger person should respect the old lebi. Therefore, whoever you know, you meet, who is older than you, you must respect him. Especially if it is your own parents, then you must respect it both in behavior, and in speaking.
Because after all an older person must be more experienced than us younger. And there may be some mindsets and opinions that may be different from our young ones, so we still have to respect them. We should be able to express our opinions in a polite and courteous manner full of etiquette.
So the reviews from me, apologize if there is one wrong word, terimaksih for the time :)
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
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The month of Ramadan is full of blessings In Islam we recognize the month of Ramadan

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

 Hay buddy, this time ane want to share knowledge about so much blessings in the month of ramadhan, you must be happy if in the month of ramadhan, even though we must withstand thirst and hungry, but we are happy with there his
full blessing month, under. 

The month of Ramadan is full of blessings In Islam we recognize the month of Ramadan.

 The month of Ramadan is a very special month for Muslims. Because in the month of Ramadan we as Muslims can worship more intensely. In addition, Allah also lowered the extraordinary blessings in the month of Ramadan. For us, in the month of Ramadlan is devoted to follow tarawih prayer every night after Shari'at Isya '. Then usually will be followed by reading the Qur'an, because it is in Ramadan we are told to reproduce reading the Qur'an. 

In addition to sunnah worship, in Ramadan we are also required to fast for a month. In running this fast, can berjmlah 30 days, could also 29 days or also can 31 days, depending on even one month. Therefore, we should not waste the existence of Ramadan. Because not necessarily we can see the month of Ramadan in the year to come. 

So much science from me, may be useful for you all amen :) thank you. 

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
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Indonesia consists of thousands of ethnic groups

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Hay fellow colleagues, this time I will introduce the country of Indonesia to the world, yu just see his article
Indonesia consists of various ethnic groups
Our country Indonesia is a large country consisting of thousands of islands scattered throughout the country. With the conditions gegrafis ang so broad, so no wonder if Indonesia has diverse ethnic and cultural. Indonesia's wealth is not only from abundant natural resources, but the richness of culture is so diverse as one of the unifying of the nation under the auspices of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. There are tribes of Java, Madura, Betawi, Batak and many other tribes scattered in various regions.
For that, we as citizens of Indonesia, must menghormasti every tribe in the archipelago. Because it could be that every tribe has a culture that berebda with our tribal culture, or even contrary to our cultural customs. But we must realize that that is the real wealth of our nation Indonesia. We should not denounce other tribal customs just because they are different from our culture.
Demikin introduction from my nation state :) thank you
Wasalamu alaikum wr'wb
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tips to get rich quick

Assalmuaikum wr wb
Hello peer colleagues, this time I will give you tips so that we can get rich quickly and become great people. Yu immediately wrote to his tips are:
Do not give up easily
Whoever you are, whatever your profession, you should pay attention to the nature of do not give up easily. Because you have to realize that in every journey of life, surely we will be faced with various problems, which sometimes is very heavy. However, rest assured that in such a severe problem there must be a lesson that sometimes we will not understand before we face the problem. Therefore, deal with the problem with the field and full of spirit, do not be a person who easily give up.
Do not be a spoiled person like a child. A simple example is when you become a merchant and find your merchandise not sold in a few days ago then you decide to stop being a merchant for granted. That is an example of a surrender, it is better if you evaluate first, what is less than your merchandise, or there are ways that may be wrong in your strategy, and so on.
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The Importance of Embedding Positive Character Early

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Hay agan agan, this time ane want to know how to plant characteristics in children, on the basis of his everybody has a character, but each child's character will be different, depending on how he mingle, learn and bermaian.
Okay immediately wrote to his material.
The Importance of Embedding Positive Character Early
The position of character in the journey of every human being is very important. Even the formation of characters from an early age will greatly determine how a person in living his life. Whoever he is, whatever his profession, when he has a positive character, will certainly be better than those who have no character. Therefore, the planting of these positive characters is needed from an early age in order to become their capital in navigating a very difficult life journey.
Strong character, brave and not easily give up will really help anyone in life. Positive characters can always be applied in various professions, whether a businessperson, educator, or other profession. As we all know that the problem is often the Indonesian nation is the number of Indonesian people who do not have a positive character so that wherever they are will always cause problems and not be the solution of a problem.
So many input from me, may be useful for you all :)
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
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