Friday, October 13, 2017

social science

Asalamualakum wr'wb
Hay colleagues, meet again with me, this time I will help you to deepen social science, such as Indonesia as a maritime country, yu directly simaka aja below.
Indonesia Maritime Country
As a person living in the country of Indonesia, we at least understand about Indonesia though only a little. Indonesia is a country with an incredible sea area. Even Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest sea in the world. So do not be surprised if Indonesia is also called as a maritime country because it is in fact Indonesia has a vast ocean.
As a maritime country, certainly in Indonesia many citizens or people who depend on living from the sea. There are relying on the profession as a fisherman, and not a few people who become traders and sell the seafood. We should be proud of the condition of nature and the wealth of Indonesia, because with a wealth of natural resources are so abundant, of course Indonesia should be a respected country in the world.
Thus the article from me, may be useful for you all, thanks for the time :)
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

4 komentar

People from indonesia known-as "Orang yang ramah" "Banyak Ras tapi tetap satu" so we as indonesian people should be carrying each other don't be racist guy. Thank You for your attention!
