Friday, October 13, 2017

We Must Respect Older People

be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

Hay fellow colleagues, meet again with me, this time I will invite you to build a more polite manners, yu refer to the material below about digging and planting manners of ourselves.
We Must Respect Older People
As a person who lives in Indonesia, we must understand the Eastern adat or more precisely keIndonesiaan. Not only customs to Indonesiaan, leboh high again, in the teachings of every religion of course a younger person should respect the old lebi. Therefore, whoever you know, you meet, who is older than you, you must respect him. Especially if it is your own parents, then you must respect it both in behavior, and in speaking.
Because after all an older person must be more experienced than us younger. And there may be some mindsets and opinions that may be different from our young ones, so we still have to respect them. We should be able to express our opinions in a polite and courteous manner full of etiquette.
So the reviews from me, apologize if there is one wrong word, terimaksih for the time :)
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

5 komentar

yaps, people that older from us have more knowledge than us. more experience than us so we must respect people that older from us! do not forget it! yeay
