Friday, October 13, 2017

Tips on how to cope with excessive odor in shoes

Tips on how to cope with excessive odor in shoes 

Assalammu'alaikum wr'wb 

Hy pal, this time I will for tips for shoes not smelly, usually school children his fragrant shoe amazing wkwkwk, but calm aja this time I will for his tips let guns fragrant again.

 Especially if the boy who likes to run run, chase pitch is, play the ball is what it is, so if every open the shoe busyettt it smells make rich drunk people abis drink pcc huehuehue. 

Yu ah immediately wrote to poko his problem is how to overcome the odor in shoes.

 • Also read tips to reduce foot odor 

Materials you should prepare include:

 • the first ingredient is a black coffee pait or coffee ship fire guns no sugar, if you have no tudak can buy at the nearest shop

 • and the second material is also quite easy at carai ie wipes ,, if guns have please buy at the nearest shop. 

If the material is already available, the next step is: 

• the first step you stay open the coffee.

 • Step two take one sheet of tissue and spread it on the floor

 • Step three move the packed coffee onto the wiped tissue

 • Step four wrap the coffee using tissue,

 • and move the last coffee put in the tissue wrap in shoes 

Such tips from me may be useful for you who read :) thanksyuou

Wassalammu'alaikum wr'wb

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